Logo Creation
Why does your company need a logo?
Sometimes your logo is the first and last thing that a consumer sees that is connected to your business. Logos help consumers not only remember your business but also connect your business to your products/services in their mind. Your logo is a big part of your branding strategy and shouldn't be taken lightly.A good logo will help consumers remember you while not being overly complex and intricate. After seeing your logo in all of your marketing material, just simply seeing a logo can remind the consumers about what you offer, without you having to present any content.
Lets take the following logos without the companies' name and we don't have to tell you who they are or what they do because you already know. You don't even need their company's name in the logo to know who they are.

** please note we didn't create these logos and they are here for demostration purposes only.
Logo Design in Rockford, IL
An important part of logo design is understanding all of the mediums out there that the logo will be used on. For this reason many businesses don't have a single logo, but instead have a couple variations of the same logo like a wide version and a tall version. Having multiple versions of logos isn't necessary for all logo design, but its an important thing to take into consideration when designing your logo.Contact Jumping Trout, LLC today to learn how we can design your company's logo and other marketing material for your branding strategy.