Custom Programming

Custom Website Development
Not looking to make a phone call everything you want to upload new photos to a photo gallery? Needing to add a new page to your website without having to pay for it? How about changing content, do you want to reach out to a company everything you want to change a few names or add more content about your services? While we do love talking to each and everyone of our clients, we don't want you to ever feel stuck when it comes to trying to update your website. That's why we develop a custom content management system where our clients can easily make changes to their website as their buisness grows and changes.Custom Website Programming
Don't worry if you don't know how to code, that's not needed in order to update your website. The CMS allows you to edit content, update photos, add pages, post news and update, and much more without ever having to dive into the HTML world. Having over 20+ years of experience and being a professional web design company in Rockford, we've been able to customize each of the content management systems that our clients use in order to better their experience in the CMS.Here at Jumping Trout LLC, we base our company on custom website development and programming in order to better your experience with your businesses website. We build what YOU need, into YOUR website.
Below are just a few example of custom web applications that we developed:
Online Range and Class Registration System:
For Kap Guns, we developed a custom responsive online range and class registration system. This system allows their customers to see the available for their shooting range as well as book and pay for the lanes online. We also developed an online class registration system that allows visitors to signup and pay for upcoming classes.
For Kap Guns, we developed a custom responsive online range and class registration system. This system allows their customers to see the available for their shooting range as well as book and pay for the lanes online. We also developed an online class registration system that allows visitors to signup and pay for upcoming classes.
Online Mobile Training System:
Working with multiple Illinois based mobile training units, we developed a responsive online training scheduling system as well as an online continuing education system for law enforcement officers. The system allows for law enforcement officers to receive online training case studies, video training as well as register for in-person and remote education training classes.
Working with multiple Illinois based mobile training units, we developed a responsive online training scheduling system as well as an online continuing education system for law enforcement officers. The system allows for law enforcement officers to receive online training case studies, video training as well as register for in-person and remote education training classes.
Online Team and Athlete League Registration System:
Working with the Belvidere Youth Baseball League, we developed a responsive online league registration system within their website that allows for parent's to sign up their athletes for leagues, events and much more. The system also allows the the league to export the registrations for use an out side systems.
Working with the Belvidere Youth Baseball League, we developed a responsive online league registration system within their website that allows for parent's to sign up their athletes for leagues, events and much more. The system also allows the the league to export the registrations for use an out side systems.
Online Gymnastic Registration System
Working with the Gymnastic Academy of Rockford and their two other locations, we developed an online registration system for their students. The responsive online registration system allows parents to sign up students for various classes that are available at all 3 of the available facilities. In addition to the front end registration system, the management area gives administrators the ability to export the registrations and additional information needed for the registration and various announcements.
Working with the Gymnastic Academy of Rockford and their two other locations, we developed an online registration system for their students. The responsive online registration system allows parents to sign up students for various classes that are available at all 3 of the available facilities. In addition to the front end registration system, the management area gives administrators the ability to export the registrations and additional information needed for the registration and various announcements.
Online Foreclosure Mediation Application
We worked with Winnebago County's 17th Judicial Circuit Court to develop an online application system that allows applicants to fill out their information to receive foreclosure assistance. The system allows for the applicant to fill out a multi-page online application and have that submitted and allows for a dynamic PDF generated of the content for their use and for administration uses.
We worked with Winnebago County's 17th Judicial Circuit Court to develop an online application system that allows applicants to fill out their information to receive foreclosure assistance. The system allows for the applicant to fill out a multi-page online application and have that submitted and allows for a dynamic PDF generated of the content for their use and for administration uses.